Tuesday 24 March 2009


“The one enthroned in heaven laughs”

our church is a place for joy, laughter, smiles, fun and it was not until I came to word of faith that I realized, God wants us to laugh, smile and enjoy ourselves… that quote makes me laugh as God prob laughs at our jokes and the way we behave sometimes, if God created it, why aren’t we doing it in his church. This is one of the reason I wanted to come to word of faith as when came in for the first time, people were telling jokes, laughing and smiling wereas my previous experience from catholic churches, I feel that it is sad and gloomy. God loves a good laugh also so lets laugh with him... its so good that we can be ourselves in such a special place with God.

A cheerful heart is good medicine but a crushed spirit dries up the bones

i think this quote is brill ooo and its for Nichola, His yoke is easy and his burden is light. so any thing that is getting us down or making us have a frown is not from God. Lighten up, we are not perfect and God knows that, but he loves us anyway... let laughter consume you.. believe me if you come to our church you'll get some laughs...

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